Muah Chee

Muah Chee is a popular chinese snack and it is very simple to make at home.

1. 250 gm Glutinous Rice Flour
2. 300 ml Water
3. 1 tsp Vegetable or Peanut Oil
4. A pinch of Salt
5. 100 gm  ground Peanuts 
6. 25 gm Sugar

1. Mix glutinous rice flour, water, salt and mix until well combined. Steam the mixture on high heat for 20 minutes.

2. Meanwhile, mix the ground peanuts and sugar.

3.Remove the glutinous rice mixture from heat and let cool briefly for about 5 minutes. Knead the dough until smooth and elastic for about 5 minutes.

4. cut the dough and toss into the peanut mixture and you are done. Serve immediately.

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